Tracy Lab
Intro Page
Tracy LabTracy_Lab.html

C. Richard Tracy, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Biology 

Professor, Doctoral Program in Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Biology (EECB)CR_Tracy.html

Grad Students

Franziska Sandmeier, Ph.D.

Postdoc, Department of Biology

I am interested in ecological and comparative immunology as well as disease ecology of vertebrates particularly as these pertain to conservation biology. I am interested in diseases with relatively complex etiologies (e.g., respiratory tract disease in tortoises, chytridiomycosis and limb deformities in amphibians, etc.). I have focused on hypotheses of extrinsic factors (e.g., season, climate, heterogeneity of habitat, etc.) and intrinsic factors (e.g., gender, thermal strategy, metabolic rates, phylogeny, etc.) affect the evolution of host immune systems, the prevalence and virulence of pathogens, and host-pathogen dynamics. I prefer research with broad implications to ecological and evolutionary theory of infectious diseases with implications to the maintenance of biodiversity to health of human populations

Nichole Maloney

Masters, Department of Biology

Lee Lemenager

Masters, Department of Biology

Stephanie Wakeling

MS Student, Department of Biology

My Master’s work is focused on homing abilities of chuckwallas, Sauromalus ater. I am interested in all kinds of animal movements, including long and short distance dispersal, range shifts and expansions, and implications for translocation studies. I am broadly interested in how ecological science and other fields can be united to create solutions for conservation, and the impacts of those solutions. I plan to continue research to understand relationships of animal movement and population dynamics, and I have a special interest in the potential impacts of global climate change on those processes and relationships. 

Sarah Snyder

PhD Student, Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation Biology

Originally from Pittsburgh, I was an undergraduate at Unity College in Maine, and now I split my time between attending and teaching classes at UNR and conducting field research in southern Nevada. I study the thermal consequences of burned habitat to the threatened desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii).

Chava Weitzman
PhD Student, Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation Biology

John Gray

Laboratory Assistant, Animal Care Technician, Boat Captain, etc.

2011 - 2014 Alums

Elia Pirtle

Currently a PhD student at the University of Melbourne

Kelly Horn

Undergraduate Thesis - disease ecology of desert tortoise

Academic LineageAcademic_Lineage.html

Michelle Gordon

MS Student, Biology

Studying new species of Great Basin toads

Undergraduate Students

Cosey Gibson
masters Student
Ryan Gov
Honors Undergraduate Student
Curriculum Vitae

Jenny Todd

MS Student, Biology

I am studying the ways in which populations of chuckwalla lizards can avoid extinction in the face of climate change. The implications of this research include creating a new paradigm of how research on the negative effects of climate change can be investigated using solid science.